“‘40 Days’ Can Be A Lifetime For Some, But Can ‘Lead’ Others To An Everlasting Lifetime In God’s Kingdom!” – Mark 1:12-15†


First Sunday of Lent


Today’s Content:


  • Dan’s Deliberations, Discoveries, & Declarations
  • Today in Catholic History
  • Quote of the Day
  • Today’s Gospel Reading
  • Gospel Reflection
  • Reflection Prayer
  • Catholic Apologetics
  • A Franciscan’s Saint of the Day
  • Reflection on part of  the SFO Rule



Dan’s Deliberations, Discoveries, & Declarations:


I’m back!!  Three weeks without a computer (only an I-Pad) has been a pre-Lenten mini sacrifice for me.  (For some of you, it may have been a vacation.)  However, I have been hankering to proclaim the “good news”, so this week’s reflection has some built-up “BS” in it.  (Ah, ah, ah; … “BS” means “Bible Study”).  Do you need to go to confession for what you thought it meant?! (He, he, he!)


Speaking of Lent, this past Wednesday starts our Lenten Season, that period of time (40 days, not including Sundays or other days of ‘worship’) spent in renewing our Baptismal promises to follow God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit through prayer, fasting, sacrifice, and penance.  We hope and pray we all have a great journey of faith this, and every, Lenten Season. 


In the news the past week or so, is that a “hometown boy”, Archbishop Timothy Dolan (a St. Louis native and Archbishop of New York) had been elevated to a “Prince of the Catholic  Church” on February 18th by Pope Benedict XVI, in Rome.  He is now to be known as Timothy Cardinal Dolan.


I have NEVER seen Cardinal Dolan without a rosy glow on his cheeks, and a smile in his heart (and face).  The day before his elevation to Cardinal, during a Pre-Consistory Day of Reflection, then “Cardinal-elect” Dolan said the following:


The gospel must be ‘accomplished with a smile, not a frown.'”


Timothy Cardinal Dolan, – – in character, humor, reverence, and faith, – – reminds me so much of Pope John XXIII.  Hmm, could he become a future “Pope John XXIV”?



Today in Catholic History:


  •  1361 – Wenceslaus is Born, Holy Roman Emperor, “Good King” of Bohemia [and of song](d. 1419) 
  •  1534 – Pope Paul II affirms George van Egmond as bishop of Utrecht 
  •  1616 – Inquisition delivers injunction to Galileo.  Pope Urban VIII alienated him, and the Jesuits who had supported Galileo up until this point.  He was tried by the Inquisition, found “vehemently suspect of heresy“, forced to recant, and spent the rest of his life under house arrest.  The Inquisition’s ban on reprinting Galileo’s works was lifted in 1718.  On 15 February 1990, in a speech delivered at the Sapienza University of Rome, then Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope BXVI) cited some current views on the Galileo affair as forming “a symptomatic case that permits us to see how deep the self-doubt of the modern age, of science and technology goes today“.  On 31 October 1992, Pope John Paul II expressed regret for how the Galileo affair was handled, and issued a declaration acknowledging the errors committed by the Catholic Church tribunal that judged the scientific positions of Galileo Galilei.
  • 1720 – Birth of Gian Francesco Albani, Italian Catholic cardinal and member of the famous Albani family. (d. 1803)
  • 1732 – First Mass celebrated in first American Catholic church, in Philadelphia
  • 1925 – Jihad-Saint war against Turkish government started.
  • Liturgical Memorials/Feasts: Saint Nestor (died 251); Saint Alexander of Alexandria; Saint Isabel of France
(From the “On This Day” Blog Site
otday.wordpress.com &/OR
“Today in Catholic History”


Quote or Joke of the Day:


“Everything depends on my will. It depends upon me, whether I become a saint or a sinner.” ~ Blessed Mother Teresa, “Where There Is Love, There Is God“, Doubleday



Today’s reflection is about Jesus being tempted in the desert by Satan, and afterwards, the Beginning of His “Galilean” Ministry.



(NAB Mark 1:12-15)12 At once the Spirit drove him out into the desert, 13 and He [Jesus] remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan.  He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him.  14 After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: 15 “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”


Gospel Reflection:


On the first Sunday of Lent, the Gospel reading in each Lectionary cycle is always about Jesus’ temptation in the desert.  This event in Jesus’ life is reported in all three of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke); however, it is not found in John’s Gospel.  Since this year is “Cycle B” of the Liturgical year, we are presented with Mark’s account of this event this year, with Luke’s next year (Cycle “C”).

Today’s event from the Gospel reading today, as compared to Matthew and Luke’s Gospel of this same event, is amazingly sparse in specific and intricate details.  Mark’s account of Jesus’ “temptation in the desert”, barely says much more than Jesus went into the desert, led by the Holy Spirit – – for “40 days” – – , was “tempted” by Satan; He then returns to begin His public ministry.  The Gospels of Matthew and Luke go much further in detailing the event, describing how Jesus fasted while in the desert, how Satan presented Him with three temptations, and how Jesus refuses each one, quoting Scripture as His reason and belief.  Only the Gospels of Matthew and Mark (not Luke) report “angels” ministering to Jesus at the end of His sojourn in the desert.

The “temptation of Jesus” follows His baptism by John the Baptist (cf., Mark 1:9-11).  We are told that Jesus went into the desert immediately after His baptism in the Jordan River and by the Holy Spirit descending upon Him.  After this “40 day” period of testing, Jesus’ public ministry in Galilee begins.  There is a purpose in the continuity and course of action found in Mark’s Gospel.  Mark makes a strong and “linking” connection between the arrest of John the Baptist and the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.  Jesus’ preaching about the “Kingdom of God” is in continuity with the preaching of John the Baptist – – but it is also something altogether “NEW” and “AWESOME”!!  As Jesus announced the start of His public ministry, “proclaiming the Gospel of God” in Galilee – – the “Kingdom of God” is also beginning, in the NEW, EVERYWHERE!  The time of God the Father’s fulfilling promises were manifested in Jesus Christ Himself!  Jesus tells us directly and openly that the “Kingdom of God” requires “repentance” to take place in each of us; and He also declares the importance for a “belief” in His “Word”, the “good news” of the Messiah coming to light in our souls, our hearts, and our entire SELVES!

Above, I stated that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus during His baptism in the Jordan River.  This same Holy Spirit is, in today’s reading, now “driving” Jesus into the desert for “40 Days” (and nights).  The result of His venture (and personal retreat) was a far-reaching confrontation, multiple intellectual and spiritual battles, and several temptations by Satan Himself.  Satan is an evil entity continuously at war with the Trinitarian God, attempting to frustrate the work and plan of God the Father then, now, and in the future.


The fact that Jesus spent “40 days” (and nights) in the desert in the wilderness is significant.  This “40 day” period, for me, recalls the “40 years” which the Israelites wandered in the desert after being led out of Egyptian slavery.  Earlier, the prophet “Elijah” also journeyed in the desert for “40 days”, making his way to Mt. Horeb, where an “angel” attended to him.  

Remembering the significance of these events, we set aside “40 days” for the season of Lent for fasting, prayer, repentance, thus sustaining OURSELVES on God the Father’s divine and infinitely generous forgiving love and mercy.

In the Old Testament, “40 days” was often seen as a significant period of testing and preparation for entering into a covenant relationship with God.  In the days of Noah (from our First Reading at today’s Mass – Genesis 9:8-15), God the Father “judged” the earth and destroyed its inhabitants in a great “flood” because of their idolatry and their total rejection of Him.  Only Noah and his family were spared as they obeyed God, taking refuge in the ark for “40 days” and nights.  When the flood subsided, God made a “covenant” with Noah, giving him a sign of His promise that He would not destroy the human race again by flood.  The sign is the “rainbow”.  (I love rainbows because of that promise).  Jesus Christ is the New and Fuller sign coming to fulfill the promise His heavenly Father made.

When God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, He brought them into the “desert” wilderness.  Moses went to the mountain of the Lord at Sinai, Mt. Horeb**, and stayed there in prayer and fasting for “40 days”:

“Moses entered into the midst of the cloud and went up on the mountain. He was on the mountain for forty days and forty nights.” (Exodus 24:18).

At the conclusion of this “40 day” encounter and experience of faith, God the Father made a new “covenant” with Moses and His “chosen” Jewish people.  

This theme of “40 days” continues in the story of the prophet Elijah confronting of idolatry of the priests of Baal: God responded to Elijah’s prayer by destroying the altar of the 400 priests of Baal.  Elijah then fled into the “desert” wilderness and journeyed for “40 days” to the “mountain of God” at Sinai.  On this sacred mountain, God spoke with Elijah this time, commissioning him to pass on the restoration mission of “proper worship” of God, the Holy One of Israel:

“He got up, ate, and drank; then strengthened by that food, he walked forty days and forty nights to the mountain of God, Horeb.  There he came to a cave, where he took shelter.  But the word of the LORD came to him.” (1 Kings 19:8-9)

(**Per Wikipedia, the word “Horeb” is thought to mean “glowing or heat”.  Hmm, remember how Moses face shined so brightly when bringing the Ten Commandments to the tribes of Israel.  There is an obvious “linking” connection with this mountain and “covenants” made with God.)


After Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit, in the living and flowing waters of the Jordan River, He (as Moses and Elijah before Him) journeyed into the desert wilderness of Judea for “40 days” (and nights) to prepare Himself for His mission of salvation and redemption – – a mission God the Father sent Him to accomplish, in establishing a newer and fuller “covenant” – – one which supersedes ALL the previous covenants which God the Father had previously made with His people.  

In today’s reading, Mark declares emphatically:

The Spirit immediately drove him out into the desert” (Mark 1:12).

Hmm …, was Jesus compelled to seek solitude for such a lengthy period simply as “a test” to prepare Him for His ministry (?) … Or, did Satan want to lure Jesus into a trap (as he still does with each of us today) … ?!  The Scriptural word, “tempt”, means to test for the purpose of proving and purifying in order to ready someone for a task to be carried out.  Encountering conflict is intended to mature and refine His sons and daughters, as it did for Jesus.  The word “tempt” in this particular case, for me, simply means “to entice to sin, producing conflict and a challenge for us to learn to overcome.”  

Satan did his best to entice Jesus to choose to comfort Himself by His divine power.  Despite Jesus’ weakened physical condition (after 40 days of fatigue and lack of food), He unwaveringly rejected Satan’s subtle (and not so subtle) temptations towards Him.  (By the way, Satan offered three enticements as recorded in Matthew and Luke.)

Wow!!  Where did Jesus find His strength to survive the desert’s harsh conditions AND the evil tempter’s unrelenting attempts at seducing Him?  SIMPLY, Jesus Christ fed on His Father’s “Word”, and there found strength and encouragement in doing His heavenly Father’s will on earth.  

Hmm!  Since Satan attempted to “tempt” Jesus Christ, he surely will try to tempt us every time possible for him to do so.  And sadly, at times, will succeed.  He will try his best to get us to choose our own personal, materialistic, worldly needs and wants over God the Father’s will and personal plan He has for each of us – – uniquely, personally, and intimately in every detail.  If Satan can’t make us renounce our faith or sin seriously, he will then try to get us to make choices which lead us away , – – whittling just a little bit at a time, – – from what God the Father wants and expects for and from  each of us, personally and collectively.


As I mentioned earlier, Mark does not identify what “temptations” Jesus was subjected to; however, we learn in a similar passage from Matthew that Jesus was tempted with power and money (cf., Matthew 4:1-11):  

Jesus said to him, “Get away, Satan!  It is written: ‘The Lord, your God, shall you worship and Him alone shall you serve.’” (Matthew 4:10).

From this event, we learn Jesus’ technique for resisting and overcoming temptation.

Later in his Gospel, Matthew relates to us this core principle:

“No one can serve two masters.  He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:24)

The principle is the core meaning of the very first Commandment: “I am the Lord thy God; Thou shalt not have strange gods before me!”  The principle is for us to choose God fist; put God and our faith first – – above ALL Else!!  Are you following the principle and the path our Trinitarian God, through Jesus’ experience has taught us to follow?  Are you going in the direction in which God is leading us?  Or, are you taking the easier path, worshiping money and power – – “mammon“? 


Notice verse 13 of today’s Gospel reading:

He [Jesus] remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan.  He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him.” (Mark 1:13)

The presence of “wild beasts” in this narrative may indicate the horrors and dangers of the desert – – regarded by many as the abode of demons.  Or, could it reflect a “paradise motif” in which there is a harmonious relationship among ALL of God the Creator’s creatures, as found in Isaiah:

“Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat; the calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them.  The cow and the bear shall graze, together their young shall lie down; the lion shall eat hay like the ox.  The baby shall play by the viper’s den, and the child lay his hand on the adder’s lair.  They shall not harm or destroy on all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be filled with knowledge of the LORD, as water covers the sea.” (Isaiah 11:6–9)

Along with the “wild beasts”, verse 13 mentions the presence of “angels ministering to Jesus” in order to sustain Him.  This recalls for me the “angel” who guided the Israelites in the desert of the first Exodus (Who, among my readers can explain what I mean by the “first Exodus”?):

The angel of God, who had been leading Israel’s army, now moved and went around behind them.   And the column of cloud, moving from in front of them, took up its place behind them.  I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared.” (Exodus 14:19; 23:20);

This image of the ministering angel also is reminiscent of the sustaining angel who supplied nourishment to Elijah when he was “in the wilderness [desert]”:

He [Elijah] lay down and fell asleep under the solitary broom tree, but suddenly a messenger touched him and said, ‘Get up and eat!’  He looked and there at his head was a hearth cake and a jug of water.  After he ate and drank, he lay down again, but the angel of the LORD came back a second time, touched him, and said, ‘Get up and eat or the journey will be too much for you!’  (1 Kings 19:5–7).

The combined forces of the good found in the “angels” and the evil found in the “wild beasts” is a profound image.  Jesus deals with both the “angel” and the “evil” in a direct, certain, and holy way.  Jesus, though tempted, sustained a profound obedience to, and respect for, His heavenly Father; by doing so, He brought forth a “New Israel” for God the Father in a place where Israel’s rebellion against their Creator had brought death and alienation in the past (Hint: can you now answer the question about the “First Exodus.).


Mark jumps from Jesus’ “40 days in the desert”, immediately to the beginning of His ministry inGalilee” (Jesus never received any vacation benefits.  He must have been salaried).  In Mark’s Gospel, “Galilee” is the focal scene of Jesus’ most significant events of His public ministry, before His arrest, trial, condemnation, scourging, and crucifixion.

In God the Father’s plan, Jesus was NOT TO proclaim the “good news” (meaning of the word “Gospel”) of salvation prior to the ending of John the Baptist’s active mission and ministry.  Thus, Jesus’ public ministry was planned to startafter John had been arrested”.  We need to remember that the “Gospel” is not only the “good news” from God the Father; it is also about God the Father working in, with, and through Jesus Christ Himself (and working in, with, and through each of us as well).  It’s True!!

John the Baptist had enemies who sought to silence him during his ministry.  Jesus also had enemies who sought to silence him during his earthly ministry.  We will have enemies seeking to silence us in our mission and ministry as well!!  However, the living and true “Word” of God – – the Gospel – – cannot EVER be silenced.  (We are witnessing this fact today, in regard to the recent battle concerning the Church’s “conscientious objection” to the HHS healthcare mandate inspired by the present administration.)   

In His day, Jesus proclaimed the time of restoration – – foretold by the prophets of the Old Testament, especially Isaiah – – was NOW being fulfilled (and is continuously being fulfilled) in His very “personhood” on earth.  The “kingdom of God” was (and is NOW) at hand.  

So, what is the “kingdom of God”?  The basic word, “kingdom“, means something much more than a territory or an area of land.  It literally means “sovereignty” or “reign”, and a relationship with the power to “rule” and “exercise” authority over oneself and others.  “The kingdom of God” means the effective rule of God the Father over His people.  In its fullness, it includes not only human obedience to God’s “Word”, but the triumph of the Trinitarian God over ALL physical evils, supremely over death itself.  In Jewish belief, the “kingdom” was to be ushered in by a “judgment” in which sinners would be condemned, separated, and forever imprisoned in agony.  This faith and belief was obviously shared by John the Baptist, who preached “repentance” and pronounced judgment upon the leader of his day (Herod), prior to our Lord Savior Jesus Christ’s “fully human, yet fully divine” manifestation.  This Jewish notion of “kingdom” has been somewhat modified in the Christian understanding, wherein, the “kingdom” is being established in stages, culminating with the “Parousia” (Second Coming) of Jesus.  “The kingdom of God is at hand” IS the actual, physical, spiritual, and real reign and rule of God the Father over His people.  As I said earlier, and is worth repeating: In its fullness, the true “kingdom” includes not only human obedience to God’s “Word”, but the total triumph of God the Father (and Jesus Christ) over ALL physical evils, supremely over physical and spiritual death.  (Please read 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 to see how Paul expresses this final triumph!)

The prophets of the Old Testament announced that God the Father would establish a “kingdom,not just for one nation or people, but for the entire world and ALL peoples!!  We need to remember that God the Father sent to us His “Only-Begotten Son”, the Lord Jesus Christ, not only to establish an earthly kingdom but also to “bring us” into His glorious and heavenly kingdom; a kingdom ruled by justice, truth, peace, love, mercy, and holiness.  The “kingdom of God” is, and continues to be, the central theme of Jesus’ still on-going mission and ministry on earth. The “kingdom of GodIS, and will forever be, the core and outcome of Jesus’ “good news” (Gospel) message.  (If you haven’t read Paul’s 1 Corinthian 15:20-28 yet, please do so NOW!  It’s ALL there.)


The ending verse (Mark 1:15) of this Sunday’s Gospel reading, has a very profound meaning to me.  “This is the time of fulfillment” is talking about God the Father’s promises to ALL of us, even those who do not believe in Him.  Look at the first two words of this verse: “This is ….”!  God the Father’s promises are being fulfilled NOW!!  There is LITTLE TIME to wait, to take action, and to prepare for the completion of His salvation plan, the “Parousia” or “Second Coming”.  John the Baptist called for (and Jesus Christ STILL continues to proclaim) a personal change of heart and conduct, a turning of one’s entire way of life from rebellion to one of obedience towards God and His way, His Plan. This is the meaning of “Repent”!! 

How can we enter the “kingdom of God”?  Well, in “proclaiming the good news”, Jesus gave us TWO explicit things each of us must do in order to receive His “kingdom” of God the Father:

Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” (Mark 1:15)

When we submit to Christ’s reign and rule, Jesus gives each of us – – individually, uniquely, and personally – – the grace and power of the Holy Spirit needed to live a “new” way of life as “child-like” members of God’s “kingdom”.  Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, gives us the grace and conviction we need to renounce sin and Satan who is the “father of lies” and the ruler of this present world:

You belong to your father the devil and you willingly carry out your father’s desires.  He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies.  Now is the time of judgment on this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out.” (John 8:44; 12:31).

Repentance” (verse 15) needs to be, and IS, the first step on our individual journey to His “kingdom” on earth AND in heaven.  “Repentance” simply means to change – – your way of thinking, your attitudes and disposition, and the choices YOU make – – the choices you make determine your life and its quality.  This is the way we allow Jesus to be the Ruler, Lord, and Master of our hearts and souls.  Jesus and the Holy Spirit strengthens us to resist and overcome Satan’s sin, greed, and selfishness, always prevalent in our world, not only personally, but also socially, as in politics and international relationships.  If we are only sorry for the “consequences” of our sins and bad choices and not for the sin itself, we will most likely keep repeating them.  “True repentance” requires a humble and contrite heart:

My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit; a contrite, humbled heart, O God, you will not scorn.” (Psalm 51:19)

True “repentance” then also requires a “true sorrow” for sin and a firm resolution to avoid it in the future.  Jesus Christ gives us the grace to see sin for what it truly and really is: a rejection of His infinite and merciful love, wisdom, and hope, AND a refusal to do what is good and righteous in accordance with His will and plan.  God’s redemptive grace brings pardon, healing, and support when we deliberately and purposely TURN AWAY from anything, anyone, and everything keeping usfrom His enriching, sustaining love, truth, and hope.  To “believe” this fact (found in verse 15) is to take Jesus at His “Word” and to recognize that God the Father so loved us that He sent His “Only-Begotten Son” to free us from the chains of bondage resulting from the sinful and harmful weakness we inherited from Father Adam.  

God the Father made the supreme sacrifice of His Son, crucified on the Holy Cross, in order to bring us back into a relationship of peace and friendship with God Himself.  He is OUR heavenly Father as well, and he wants us to live as His “children” in paradise WITH Him.  God loved us first (even if we don’t love Him) and He invites us – – in a total and pure love – – to surrender our complete and personal lives to Him.  Do you believe that the Gospel, the “good news” of God the Father through Jesus Christ, has the power to free you from the destructive chains of bondage resulting from sin and the fear of death?  I DO!!  Thanks be to God!


In summary, the “desert temptations” marks the “beginning” of Jesus’ continual battle with Satan and his evil associates.  The ultimate test – – or battle – – for Jesus, will be found in His final hours on the Holy Cross of Redemption and Salvation.  In a similar way, our personal and public Lenten observances are also only a “beginning” – – establishing, learning, preparing for our battle with Satan, – – and a reinforcement of our ongoing struggle to resist the many continual temptations we will face in our daily (sometimes hourly) lives.  During the Lenten season, we are led by the Holy Spirit to remember the promises of our Baptism in which we promised to reject sin and to follow Jesus.  Just as Jesus Christ was ministered to by “angels”, God the Father also supports each of us, personally, intimately, and fully in our ongoing struggles against sin and temptation with our own personal “angel”.  We succeed in this dreadful struggle SOLELY because Jesus Christ Himself conquered sin permanently and irretrievably through His saving death on that Holy Cross outside the gates of Jerusalem some two thousand or so years ago.

The announcement which Jesus makes as He began His preaching in today’s Gospel was recalled this past Ash Wednesday service in the signing with ashes on our foreheads:

“Repent and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15)  

Make this announcement of repentance and belief your challenge for this Lenten season.  After all, it is TRULY the “challenge” of our ENTIRE life on earth.  During this period of Lent (and every Lent to follow), we are invited “again and again” to strengthen and renew the promises we all made at our Baptism (even if we were a mere “few days old”), to reject Satan – – and sin – – so as to live NOW as “children” of God the Father in His “kingdom”:

“Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.  Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” (Matthew 18:3-5).

Through the grace, love, and mercy of God the Father, received at our Baptism, we follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and know we also will be, and remain, victorious over Satan and sin – – with the Holy Spirit’s help.

Reflect on the importance of your Baptism.  At your Baptism, your sins were completely and fully forgiven, and you promised to live as “children” of God the Father.  As part of the Rite of Baptism, we reject sin and Satan.  During each and every Lent, we renew these promises of our Baptism, turning again from sin and promising to follow God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Maybe right now is a good time to pray the well-known prayer, the “Act of Contrition”.  One is provided immediately after this Gospel reflection; however you can also say your own “Prayer of Contrition”, from your heart and soul with a blazing brightness found on Mt Horeb.  (I personally believe a prayer of contrition, coming from your innermost-self, is a more meaningful and powerful statement of faith.  Otherwise, stick with the tried, true, and proven prayer I have supplied.)


To conclude, the First Reading at Mass this Sunday is about Noah, the flood, and the Covenant God the Father established with Noah after a “40 day” period of destruction and testing (cf., Genesis 9:8-15).  Peter recalls this event when he wrote:

God patiently waited in the days of Noah.” (1 Peter 3:20)

Is God still waiting patiently for you to follow on the path He wishes you to follow, while at the same time, – – and, as His people did before the flood and again in the desert of the Exodus, – – you continue to worship false idols and the “mammon” of your choosing?  In doing so, you place your individual “materialistic” desires ahead of His plan of salvation?  Yes, He is truly “patiently waiting”; you need only to “drop everything and go with Him”!!




Reflection Prayer:


 Act of Contrition


“My God,
I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.
In choosing to do wrong
and failing to do good,
I have sinned against you
whom I should love above all things.
I firmly intend, with your help,
to do penance,
to sin no more,
and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.
Our Savior Jesus Christ
suffered and died for us.
In his name, my God, have mercy.


 Catholic Apologetics:


My reason and purpose for this section on my blog is to provide “scriptural confirmation” for our beliefs and doctrines, not to cause dissention or opposition with my fellow believers in Jesus Christ, yet not in union with the Roman Catholic Church.  Whether God speaks to us through the “Bible”, or through “Tradition”, it is the Holy Spirit that inspires the “Word” from which all authentic tradition flows.

Tradition can be separated into two aspects: oral and behavioral.  Oral tradition includes written forms.  After all, it ALL started with oral tradition.  Behavioral tradition includes Baptism, Eucharist or Lord’s Supper, Lying on of hands or healing, Intercessory prayer, and Ordination.  

All Scriptural verses are taken from both the Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition of the Holy Bible and the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

 Christ’s Divinity, Part 2:

 Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am’ (John 8:58). RSV

Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58). KJV


I and the Father are one (John 10:30). RSV

I and my Father are one.” (John 10:30). KJV


For in Him [Christ] the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily (Colossians 2:9). RSV

“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” (Colossians 2:9). KJV



A Franciscan’s Saint of the Day:  St. Porphyry of Gaza (353-421)


We go far back in history today to learn a bit about a saint whose name is not familiar to most of us in the West but who is celebrated by the Greek and other Eastern churches.

Born near Greece in the mid-4th century, “Porphry” is most known for his generosity to the poor and for his ascetic lifestyle.  Deserts and caves were his home for a time.  At age 40, living in Jerusalem, Porphyry was ordained a priest.

If the accounts we have are correct, he was elected bishop of Gaza—without his knowledge and against his will.  He was, in effect, kidnapped (with the help of a neighboring bishop, by the way) and forcibly consecrated bishop by the members of the small Christian community there.  No sooner had Porphyry been consecrated bishop than he was accused by the local pagans of causing a drought.  When rains came shortly afterward, the pagans gave credit to Porphyry and the Christian population and tensions subsided for a time.

For the next 13 years, Porphyry worked tirelessly for his people, instructed them and made many converts, though pagan opposition continued throughout his life.  He died in the year 421.

Saint of the Day: Lives, Lessons and Feast
By Leonard Foley, O.F.M.;
revised by Pat McCloskey, O.F.M.
(From http://www.americancatholic.org website)



Secular Franciscan Order (SFO) Rule
Article #’s 25 & 26 of 26:

25.  Regarding expenses necessary for the life of the fraternity and the needs of worship, of the apostolate, and of charity, all the brothers and sisters should offer a contribution according to their meansLocal fraternities should contribute toward the expenses of the higher fraternity councils.


26.  As a concrete sign of communion and co- responsibility, the councils on various levels, in keeping with the constitutions, shall ask for suitable and well prepared religious for spiritual assistance.  They should make this request to the superiors of the four religious Franciscan families, to whom the Secular Fraternity has been united for centuries.

To promote fidelity to the charism as well as observance of the rule and to receive greater support in the life of the fraternity, the minister or president, with the consent of the council, should take care to ask for a regular pastoral visit by the competent religious superiors as well as for a fraternal visit from those of the higher fraternities, according to the norm of the constitutions.


6 responses »

  1. What a refreshing blog. I’ve always said that, but for a couple of doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, that I could easily become a Catholic. After reading your blog I am even more convinced. I appreciate your proclamation of the Gospel, your perspective on Israel, and your upbeat writing style. Thank you. Kevin

    • Thank you so much for your input. God, at least for me, is not that somber and hard to approach God that is most often seen in paintings and art. I see Him as a Loving father who loves to grasp and hug His “children”, enjoying there existance, thaeir presence, and their returning love. How could one not find comfort and JOY in such an experience?

      Kevin, I am curious and would like to ask you a couple of questions. Please, please, do not feel you HAVE TO answer if uncomfortable for you; I do NO want to make you feel uncomfortable in any way. First, what is your religious denomination; and secondly, what “doctrines” do you have a problem or concern with in regards to the Catholic Church. Maybe I can help you come to understand; maybe these doctrines are ones not required to believe (and yes, there are a couple), or maybe I can refer uou to different sources.

      Either way, I am most glad you are on my journey of faith. God bless you and your family and friends.

  2. BTW, do you think there’s any relation between John’s imprisonment and Jesus’ proclamation “the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.” I suspect John’s imprisonment is the beginning of the “birth pangs” and possibly points to tribulation.

    • For me, there is a DEFINITE “link” between John’s imprisonment and Jesus’ proclmation of the “time is fulfilled”. Remember that:

      “For just as … all die, so too in Christ shall all be brought to life, but each one in proper order.” (1 Corinthians 15: 22-23).

      Kevin, John’s events are the true ending of the old covenant; and Jesus’ “temptations” events are the beginning of the NEW covenant: the old LIVING in the NEW, and the NEW being fulfilled in the Old! Wow!! It seems for me, ANY “birth” always starts with a trial, pain, or death. Seeds must “die” to grow, women must go through an excrutiating pain to bring a new life into this world, and I believe John’s imprisonment and death brings in the NEW way, with and of, Jesus Christ.

      I talk about Elijah in this reflection. Elijah is, for me, in the NEW covenant John The Baptist: both of who ushers in a greater leader, Elijah precedes Elisha,and John the Baptist precedes Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, Elijah ushers in Elisha, who did even greater works than his predicessor, healing the sick, raising the dead, parting the waters of the Jordan, and striking an entire army with blindness. I the new Testament (and New Covenant) John the Baptist ushers in Jesus Christ, who repeats Elisha’s marvels, and goes further, saving ALL peoples and all creations – – ETERNALLY – – of God the Father.

      I hope I answered your question. If I did not, please let me know. To be honest, I am not quite sure what you mean by the word “tribulation”. I am suspecting you are indicating a belief in the “rapture” and specific trial period after the rapture, a notion I do not believe in (and is not truly biblical). Please let me know, and help keep me educated.

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