Tag Archives: Potential

“Fears, Frustrations, & Potential”

Happy Hump Day (Wednesday):

Today’s Meditation, again from Pope John XXII:

Consult not your fears but your hopes & dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfilled potential. (Pope John XXIII)

There is a great movie that was out a few years ago called, “The Bucket List.”  It was about two men, from two different sides of the tracks, who are brought together in a hospital with diagnoses’ of terminal cancer.  They developed a list of things they wanted to do before they “kicked the bucket.”  These items ranged from very minute wishes, to climbing Mount Everest.  Needless to say, the two of them worked together, and completed everything on the list.  The movie was inspirational, hilarious, and at certain times, extremely emotional.

 They did not allow their fears and frustrations get in the way.  They plowed ahead with their plan, even after family and friends put up road blocks in their paths.  They chose to look at the future, no matter how short that future was, and to live in the moment.  In their journey, they purged themselves of their negative virtues, and found LOVE.  They opened their hearts to the potential of trust, love, empathy, and especially giving of self for others.

I believe once you find your potential, fear and frustration take a back seat.  Without fear and frustration, you open yourself to God’s graces, and unlimited love and potentials.


First (1st) Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order:

The Franciscan family, as one among many spiritual families raised up by the Holy Spirit in the Church, unites all members of the people of God–laity, religious, and priests– who recognize that they are called to follow Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. In various ways and forms but in life-giving union with each other, they intend to make present the charism of their common Seraphic Father in the life and mission of the Church.


October is going to be dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  If anyone has a favorite short meditation, please send them to me at dehalley@hotmail.com.


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Pax et Bonum

Dan Halley, SFO